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Ayurvedic massage, Ancient India's best kept secret.


Abhyanga is no ordinary massage, but an Ayurvedic holistic healing massage therapy

with innumerable health benefits.


The practice nourishes the body, reinstates the balance of the Doshas and improves our well-being

and longevity.

An Ayurvedic massage helps not only to relieve pain, but also increases circulation, stimulates and strengthens the lymphatic system and internal organs, helps to eliminate body impurities,

encourages weight reduction, calms the nervous system by promoting a sense of peace and deep sleep, and softens the skin reducing the effects of ageing.

The herb infused organic oils used for my therapies are specifically tailored based on the assessment of your constitution. Every one of us deserves to be cared for, nourished and loved. Take care of what is most important : yourself.

Abhyangha (Ayurvedic Whole Body Massage)

Abhyanga is a Sanskrit word for full body massage.

This is a highly personalised therapy for both body and mind and is performed employing signature Ayurvedic strokes with the use of warm herb-infused organic oils, carefully chosen according to your unique constitution.


This treatment helps to improve muscle tone, blood circulation, lymphatic flow to stimulate the immune system and to promote a gentle detoxification.  The desired result is a heightened state of awareness that will direct the internal healing system of the body.​  Throughout the treatment important energy points are stimulated to ensure maximum relaxation.

At the end of the massage, whilst resting under my infrared sauna blanket to allow for the full benefits of the Abhyanga to take place and the absorption of the oil, a relaxing face massage is performed that purifies, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin for a luminous glow.  Infrared is shown to relieve pain, improve circulation and promote detoxification.

1 hour 30 minutes £70.00
Abhyanga - Marma  (Whole Body Massage With Marma Points)

A revitalising full body massage designed to release blocked energy (physical and emotional) and bring balance back to the body.


Marma points are best described as our vital energy centres and nerve cluster points. This treatment focuses on the stimulation of these vital energy points that are spread all over the body, using specific massage techniques.


Marma massage helps the easy flow of energy through the energy channels, and by releasing blocked energy, helps to prevent physical disease by removal of toxins from the body.

Benefits of a Marma massage include :

  • Strengthens the organ system and tissues

  • Regenerates the tissues

  • Relieves mental and physical blockages of energy

  • Helps to remove toxins

  • Prevents ageing

  • Helps to relieve insomnia and assists with vision and skin

  • Improves lymph flow

1 hour 30 minutes £70.00
Udvartana - (Herbal Body Scrub Massage)

Udvartana, one of the signature treatments of Ayurveda.  A heating, detoxifying and cleansing treatment performed by using finely ground Ayurvedic detoxifying herbs. 

A deeply penetrating herbal lymphatic massage, this powerful exfoliating treatment will magically restore your natural radiance.  Udvartana conditions the skin while releasing stagnant lymphatic toxins from the body to reduce cellulite and fat.


The herbs are mixed first in nourishing oil resulting in an efficient exfoliation of the skin, leaving it feeling soft and giving a radiant healthy glow.

The treatment ends in a session under my infrared sauna blanket, leaving the body feeling invigorated and the mind relaxed.

1 hour 30 minutes £70.00
Pristha - Abhyanga - (Back Massage)

This deep, yet relaxing back massage is used to relax muscles and revitalise the energy using herb-infused organic Ayurvedic oils.


Aims to stimulate the immune system, improve lymph flow, revitalises the entire nervous system, relieves backache, stiffness and stress.


A 45 minute treatment to include arms and head if required.

30 minutes £30.00
45 minutes £45.00
Nabhi Abhyanga - (Abdominal Massage)

Ayurveda places great importance to healing the abdominal area as the Nabhi (navel) is located here. 


Imbalances residing in the Nabhi, often caused by emotional or physical trauma, can affect the entire physiology of the mind and body.


Warm herbal organic oils are massaged into the abdomen, followed by a non invasive massage technique which can help to tone the abdominal organs, and help with weight loss around the abdominal area, IBS symptoms and feelings of tiredness and sluggishness.

45 minutes £45.00

Pada Abhyanga - (Foot Massage)

This is a highly relaxing foot massage where the feet are luxuriously pampered with a scrub and then rejuvenated using a scented balm which helps to moisturise, smooth and soften the feet.


Selected energy points are stimulated to energise the different systems and organs regulating the functions of the body and mind.  

45 minutes £45.00
Hasta Abhyanga - (Hand Massage)

A calming and soothing treatment for the hands and lower arms that can help relieve nervous system imbalances like anxiety, breathlessness and palpitations, circulatory problems for the whole body, insomnia, depression, IBS, MS and Parkinson's.

30 minutes £30.00
Pinda Sweda - (Herbal Poultice)

A rejuvenating, strengthening and nourishing massage using traditional cotton poultice bags filled with specially selected Ayurvedic herbs, then dipped in warm organic herbal oils and massaged over the body. 

A treatment that can help to alleviate muscle and joint pain as well as tension and stress, may also help to treat anaemia, asthma, CFS, cholesterol, diabetes, insomnia, loss of appetite, MS and Parkinson's, under active thyroid.

The treatment is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating as well as powerfully detoxifying.

Back Only                                          Whole body

30 minutes £40.00
1 hour £75.00
Garshana (Whole Body) - raw silk glove massage,
Ayurvedic therapy for alkalising and decongesting the body

A detoxifying raw silk glove massage, one of the best ways to decongest stagnated lymph, reduce puffiness and feelings of heaviness. A very powerful way to alkalise the blood as dry massage creates friction and static electricity. 


This vigorous, decongesting, energising, alkalising treatment is followed by a deeply relaxing full body massage and ending under my infrared sauna blanket leaving the body feeling invigorated and the mind relaxed.

1 hour 30 minutes £75.00
Kati Basti - Treatment for the lower back

A special treatment for non massageable pain and tension whereby a nest is built from dough and warm medicated oil is contained within it for 30 minutes, allowing the warm oil and herbs to be efficiently absorbed into the muscles through open skin pores.   During the remaining time a local massage with steam is undertaken to ensure maximum absorption of the herbal oil.

This therapy is effective in treating lower back pain, sciatica, disc prolapse and knee pain.  

45 Minutes £45.00
Revitalising Leg and Foot Massage

A rejuvenating treatment for those active on their feet, this muscle rejuvenating massage of the whole leg, starts with an invigorating foot scrub.

45 Minutes £45.00
Hridaya Basti (Heart Treatment)

The heart area is constantly bathed with warm organic Ayurvedic oil with the help of a basti, which can help relieve nervousness, anxiety and fear as well as respiratory ailments.


A Hridaya basti is one of the most powerful and effective treatments in Ayurveda that aids in the healthy functioning of the heart.


This treatment helps to nourish, strengthen and balance the heart functions and rejuvenate the area of the heart. It may have the following benefits :


  • Improve heart functioning

  • Strengthen the cardiac muscles and balance the heart rate


  • Reduce chest pain

  • Blood pressure will be lowered as the improved functioning of the heart is seen

  • Overall blood circulation around the body will be improved

A deeply nourishing treatment to help relieve stress, anger and grief. According to Ayurveda, heart health requires you to nourish the emotional heart as well as the physical heart. The heart is the origin of all emotions, whether it is joy and happiness or sadness and frustration, mental and emotional stress can disrupt the emotional heart.

45 minutes £55.00
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